First, I want to fire a little bit at the doofuses who critisize my list, listen to your garbage, you never gave me a reason why it sucked. Going back I realized I forgot Possum Kingdom by the Toadies. I decided to tackle another part of music, The Album Cover. In the days of digital music, album art has become less important. I still buy albums for the album art. It is part of the package. Without further 10 favorite album covers.
10.Cake- Prolonging the Magic

Cake's album covers almost all look the same but this on is the best. Maybe I am a sucker for pigs.
9. Led Zepplin--IV
9. Led Zepplin--IV
This classic album cover was alway my favorite Zepplin Cover.
8.Dropkick Murphys--The Gang's All Here
The album art fits the title perfectly. I love the WWII look to it.
7.The Clash--London Calling
I support the destroying of instruments.
6. Pearl Jam--Yield
The art reminds me of a journey. It is simple but really good.

5. Punk Rock is Your Friend Sampler
Punk Rockers just want to be friends with everyone. The back is even better showing them playing on a teeter-toter.

4. Pink Floyd--The Wall
Classic Album--Classic Cover

3. NOFX--Punk in Drublic
I am still trying to figure out what that kid is doing at the bottom.

2. Punk-o-rama Vol 6 

Angry baboons--need I saw more
1. Ted Nugent--Weekend Warriors
How can you not look at theis cover and thing, man this kicks butt. I laugh everytime I see it