VH1 recently completed their top 100 songs of the nineties. Well let me tell you, it sucked. When Celine Dion, Backstreet Boys and other crap are on the list, you know it sucks. So yours truly remade what I feel are the best 100 songs in the 90s. You will not see any rap or country or anything that resembles bubblegum feel good garbage. I don't think I missed any great songs but if I did please let me know and I will explain why it is not on there. So here we go:
100-Peaches--Presidents of the United States of America---Thought it was cheesy at first but they are actully pretty talented and the ending of the song rocks.
99-Story of My Life--Social Distortion---They would be great to see live.
98-Ruby Soho--Rancid---I am not a big Rancid fan but this song is pretty good.
97-Break--Fugazi---I love the different musical parts in this song
96-Be Quiet and Drive--Deftones---Great slower song on a great album
95-Bicycle--Plankeye--Great song from a good Christian band.
94-Bullet in the Head--Rage Against the Machine--Great song if you want to beat the crap out of someone
93-February Stars--Foo Fighters--Slow and melodic that has a great ending
92-Sell Out--Reel Big Fish--Probably one of the best ska bands of the 90s
91-Interstate Love Song--Stone Temple Pilots--A jukebox favorite
90-Bittersweet Smyphony--the Verve--The video made this song great
89-Angry Chair--Alice in Chains--Layne Staley RIP
88-Jeremy--Pearl Jam--Probably their most popular song on their most popular album.
87-Glycerine--Bush--Another great slow song.
86-Never There--Cake--A great and funny band with a very unique sound.
85-The Sky Lit Up--PJ Harvey--She wails!!
84-Shelf in the Room--Days of the New--A lot of bands owe this guy for making this type of vocals cool.
83- Superman's Dead--Our Lady Peace--Great opening song for an underrated album and they are Canadian!!
82-Breath--Pearl Jam--best song off of one of the best soundtracks of all time (buy the Singles soundtrack now!!)
81-Not For You--Pearl Jam--It is a rule you do not put the same band twice in a row, but I am a rule breaker. Another great angry song.
80-Song for the Dumped--Ben Folds Five--Made playing the piano cool.
79-Graduate--3rd Eye Blind--Memories of '97, This is a really great album.
78-Beautiful Disaster--311--"alien" rock at its best.
77-Sober--Tool--creepy song, creepy video, good band
76-Parallel universe--Red Hot Chili Peppers--I love the bass in this song.
75-For All the Cows--Foo Fighters--I love this song for some reason.
74-Paranoid Android--Radiohead--I used to hated Radiohead, but this song helped change my mind
73-Pennyroyal Tea--Nirvana--In Utero is Nirvana's best album
72-Polly--Nirvana--I really don't like this song on the album but I live versions are awesome
71-100%--Sonic Youth--Buy the Dirty Album, it is great
70-Cherub Rock--Smashing Pumpkins--One of the best opening of a song ever
69-Rusty Cage--Soundgarden--Chris Cornell wails for soundgarden, kinda stunk for audiaslave
68-Betterman-Pearl Jam--One of my favorite songs to sing to
67-Bad Habit--Offspring--The ultimate road rage song.
66-Drive-Incubus--A very good acoustic song. This is not a road rage song.
65-Everything Zen--Bush--Should I fly to Los Angeles to fing my @##hole brother.
64-FDK--Mudhoney--Nothing is better than a song cited the hypocracy of people blowing up abortion clinics in the name of Christ.
63-Punk Rawk Show--MXPX--The first punk song that I loved
62-Longview--Green Day--Bringing punk to the masses.
61-Lightning Crashes-Live--Great song on a very good album, too bad the rest of their albums kinda suck
60-Bleed the Freak--Alice in Chains--A much better song than Man in the Box
59-One Headlight--Wallflowers--A very underrated band, better than Matchbox 20.
58-Say it Ain't So-Weezer--Another favorite song to sing to.
57- Down-Stone temple Pilots--The guitars crunch so hard.
56- On Molasses Lake--Roadside Monument-Christian band, I really think this is the first "emo" song ever, released in 97.
55-Bullet with Butterfly Wings--Smashing Pumpkins--Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
54-I'll Stick Around--Foo Fighter--Dave Grohls breakout song
53-Criminal--fiona Apple--watch the video, it was every male high schoolers dream in '96
52-You know You're Right-Nirvana--Yeah it came out in the 2000's but it was recorded before Cobain died. So it is a 90s song.
51-So Whatcha Want-beastie Boys--the only band that resembles rap on this list.
50-Perfect Drug--Nine Inch Nails--Closer gets all the recognition but this song is great, find it on the Lost Highway soundtrack
49-Bad Luck--Social Distortion--Sometimes I think this is my theme song.
48-Start the Riot--Atari Teenage Riot--Great driving song, very angry song from an angry band
47-Lithium--Nirvana--Nirvana rules!
46-We're in this Together-nine Inch Nails--Underrated song, Best Nine Inch Nails album.
45-Monkey Wrench--Foo Fighters--The Colour and the Shape is one the best albums of all time
44-black Hole Sun--Soundgarden--Did I mention that Chris Cornell wails
43-Bulls on Parade-Rage Against the Machine--Tom Morello is an awesome guitarist (why did Audioslave kind sucked).
42-Losing A Whole Year--3rd Eye Blind--Better than Semi-charmed life.
41-You Wreck Me--Tom Petty--Wildflowers is a great album, see them live they put on a great show
40-you're a Champion--2 Skinnee J's--Saw them in concert, they were fun and this song is just great.
39-Plush--Stone Temple Pilots--We don't need no stinkin Velvet revolver.
38-Doing Time--Mxpx-1:30 song comparing school to a prison, classic!
37-Welcome to Paradise-Green Day--Basket Case is annoying
36-Hitchin a Ride--Green Day--Nimrod is a great album and this song exhibits their best work
35-Suck YouDry--Mudhoney--Mudhoney was probably the most "grunge" of the "grunge" bands.
34-Civil War-Guns and Roses--My favorite GNR song, Axl sharing his wisdom.
33-Repeater--Fugazi--One of the best bands ever, this song is classic
32-Road of the Righteous--Dropkick Murphys--The best song of their early stuff.
31-Little Things--Bush--A very underrated band also, i think this song just rocks
30-Rooster--Alice in Chains--Dirt is a great album
29--Bored--Deftones--great guitars, great screaming, great band
28-Don't Drink the Water--Dave Matthews Band--They have soured on me the last five years but I still enjoy this song.
27-Do the Evolution--Pearl Jam--Yield is one of the top 5 albums ever.
26-Jesus Christ Pose--Soundgarden--Have I mentioned that Chris Cornell wails.
25-Dream All Day--Posies--Another influencial band, better than Weezer.
24-Don't Call Me White--NOFX--One of my favorite punk songs of all time.
23-Disarm--Smashing Pumpkins--Billy Corgan at his finest
22-Intergalatic--Beastie Boys--I had to buy this album twice
21-Sugar kane--Sonic youth--This song is awesome, Sonic Youth is awesome
20-Smells Like Teen Spirit--Nirvana--Freedom from 80s butt rock. Everyones #1 but mine.
19-Prisoner from Society-Living End--A fun pop-punk song from the boys from Austrailia.
18-Freak on a Leash-Korn--Korn has gotten stale but this song just kicks butt
17-Into Your Shtik--Mudhoney--My Brother the Cow is one of the 10 best albums of all time.
16- Song 2--Blur--2 minutes of pure rock
15- Black--Pearl Jam--Best song on Ten, almost a perfect song.
14-Zero--Smashing Pumpkins--Love the guitars on this song.
13-Killing in the Name- Rage Against the Machine--You can't have a road rage album without this song.
12-Karma Police-Radiohead--The vido made this song classic
11-Hurt--Nine Inch Nails--Trent Reznor wrote this awesome song, but Johny Cash perfected it.
10-Sabatoge--Beastie Boys--You can't say a bad thing about this song
9-Only in Dreams--Weezer--The ending of this song made it classic
8-Pop's Love Suicide--Stone temple Pilots--A lot of other songs get more attention but this song opens a pretty strong album.
7-Down in a Whole--Alice in Chains--AIC at its finest.
6. Rear View Mirror--Pearl Jam--This song is one of my favorite live songs ever.
5. Otherside--Red Hot Chili Peppers--Californication is a great album, this song is almost perfect.
4. Radio Friendly Shifter Unit--Nirvana--Best Nirvana song hands down, it is angry, it is punky, it has lots of guitar distortion, Dave Grohl beats the hell out of the drums.
3. 4th of July--Soundgarden--This song has the dirtiest sounding guitars ever, Kim Thayl is one of the best guitarest. This song still gives me chills
2.-My Own Summer (Shove It)--Deftones--I play this song when I am angry. this song is perfect.
1-Everlong--Foo Fighers--First song I ever loved, my favorite video of all time. No other Foo Fighter song comes close to this song (VH1 rated it 104, what a bunch of idiots). I still turn the radio all the way up for this song.
Well there is the list, I don't think I forgot anything. To answer some questions before they are asked.
Metallica--I can't stand them anymore, I can't listen to them
U2--Not a big fan
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Michael Vick
I have tried to watch as little of this has possible but it is very hard to avoid. A few things annoy me.
1. People who are saying Michael Vick should be free. Dogfighting and the gambling are all illegal. He admitted to doing those things. It took him a few tries but he finally manned up to the charges and is willingly going to accept his punishment. He could have received a worse punishment but it could have been better. Instead of protesting the court house, how about helping some of the youth or others from making wrong decisions.
2. PETA people annoy me also. I love my beagle and I would not want anything to happen to him (my wife my kill me). But these people take it to the extreme. They almost remind me of those radical Christians that use to blow up abortion clinics. They are so wrapped up in the cause that they are delusional to everything else around them. PETA used Vick as a platform to let their voice be heard. And because of it, I can't stand them even more. Just like with the Vick supporters, these Peta people would be a whole lot more beneficial to society if they would stop protesting and do practical things helping animals.
I have never been a Vick fan and when these "experts" spew out stats about that he was below average, I kinda snicker. He might not have been the best passer but he was probably the most dangerous player in football because of blend of running and throwing. Living near Charlotte, the local media was always scared out of their minds because of what Vick does to the Panthers. They did not like to match up with him.
I am glad this is over (for now). I never want to wish bad on anyone because we all make foolish mistakes. We will see Vick's true nature when he gets out of prison. He will then show if he is sincere about his apology or he goes back to his foolish ways. Hopefully this is a learning experience for him and that he returns to society a better man.
1. People who are saying Michael Vick should be free. Dogfighting and the gambling are all illegal. He admitted to doing those things. It took him a few tries but he finally manned up to the charges and is willingly going to accept his punishment. He could have received a worse punishment but it could have been better. Instead of protesting the court house, how about helping some of the youth or others from making wrong decisions.
2. PETA people annoy me also. I love my beagle and I would not want anything to happen to him (my wife my kill me). But these people take it to the extreme. They almost remind me of those radical Christians that use to blow up abortion clinics. They are so wrapped up in the cause that they are delusional to everything else around them. PETA used Vick as a platform to let their voice be heard. And because of it, I can't stand them even more. Just like with the Vick supporters, these Peta people would be a whole lot more beneficial to society if they would stop protesting and do practical things helping animals.
I have never been a Vick fan and when these "experts" spew out stats about that he was below average, I kinda snicker. He might not have been the best passer but he was probably the most dangerous player in football because of blend of running and throwing. Living near Charlotte, the local media was always scared out of their minds because of what Vick does to the Panthers. They did not like to match up with him.
I am glad this is over (for now). I never want to wish bad on anyone because we all make foolish mistakes. We will see Vick's true nature when he gets out of prison. He will then show if he is sincere about his apology or he goes back to his foolish ways. Hopefully this is a learning experience for him and that he returns to society a better man.
NFL--No Fun Leauge
5 years ago...Sunday afternoon, glued to the TV watching the NFL
Today...Sunday afternoon doing everything but watch the NFL.
How did this happen? I have realized I could care less about the NFL anymore. I use to be a huge NFL fan, heck you have to be a huge fan suffering through those awful Bengals teams in the 90s. But now I don't care. I have been trying to pinpoint reason why I could care less and here are a few.
1. The NFL takes themselves too seriously. On Sunday mornings, you have 3 different networks having a pregame show and each of these "experts" give you way to much analysis. As big of experts these guys are then why are they not working on a coaching staff or with a team. They act like they know it all and question everybodies decisions. the worst have to be John Clayton, Sean Salisbury or pretty much anybody at ESPN.
2. No vibe in the south. Yes we have the Panthers but the only time people care about the Panthers is when they win. Other than that, no one cares. In South Carolina, it is Clemson and South Carolina football all year (I almost feel sorry for them).
3. Tom Brady--he went to Michigan (enough said).
4. Not as good as college football...my only complaint about college football would be the BCS. College football has more emotion and nothing is better than watching #1 teams fall again and again.
5. The Bengals stink...Even when they were respectable, my interest was waning.
6. Too much NFL highlights...I don't even have the watch the games. I can see the highlights and it feels like I watched the game.
Well, there are probably more reasons but that is all for now. Later Tobin
Today...Sunday afternoon doing everything but watch the NFL.
How did this happen? I have realized I could care less about the NFL anymore. I use to be a huge NFL fan, heck you have to be a huge fan suffering through those awful Bengals teams in the 90s. But now I don't care. I have been trying to pinpoint reason why I could care less and here are a few.
1. The NFL takes themselves too seriously. On Sunday mornings, you have 3 different networks having a pregame show and each of these "experts" give you way to much analysis. As big of experts these guys are then why are they not working on a coaching staff or with a team. They act like they know it all and question everybodies decisions. the worst have to be John Clayton, Sean Salisbury or pretty much anybody at ESPN.
2. No vibe in the south. Yes we have the Panthers but the only time people care about the Panthers is when they win. Other than that, no one cares. In South Carolina, it is Clemson and South Carolina football all year (I almost feel sorry for them).
3. Tom Brady--he went to Michigan (enough said).
4. Not as good as college football...my only complaint about college football would be the BCS. College football has more emotion and nothing is better than watching #1 teams fall again and again.
5. The Bengals stink...Even when they were respectable, my interest was waning.
6. Too much NFL highlights...I don't even have the watch the games. I can see the highlights and it feels like I watched the game.
Well, there are probably more reasons but that is all for now. Later Tobin
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Garza for Young
Yesterday the Twins and Rays (lame name) made a blockbuster trade. Tampa receives Garza and others for Delmon Young and others. You rarely see trades of young players anymore but I really think this benefits both teams. Garza will be a solid #3 starter for the Rays in a division where you need at least 3 good starters (ask Toronto). Young will get out of Tampa Bay and play in Minnesota (if they trade Santana and Nathan, they might be worse than Tampa Bay). Young will get a fresh start. Short term it helps Tampa more because of their need for pitching. Long term it will help Minnesota (until Youg can become a free agent).
GPS navigation
I usually spend my mornings watching ESPN news and with the holiday season approaching, you see ads for a whole bunch of gizmos and devices. But there is one devise you would not catch me with: a GPS navigational devise. What happened in the good old days when men pulled out their trusty map and navigated to there location. I forsee in the future a bunch of morons that will not be able to give diections. What would Christopher Columbus, Lewis and Clark and all of the other great explorors say. What makes it worse is having a commerical of some single dude telling his GPS unit that he loves it while having to listen to the nausiating song "Turn Around". Well that is all I have to say, Man Up and throw away those devises.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Radiohead--In Rainbows

Radiohead graciously release a new album on line that allowed fans to pay whatever they want for the album. I am a huge fan but I did not pay a thing but I can give you a review on it. Most critics have given it rave reviews some even saying that it is the album of the year. Knowing how much my good friend Jeremy hates Radiohead (Thom yorne still sounds like a dying cow), it will come to shock to him that I think it is not their best album. As an album as a whole I would rank it behind OK Computer, Kid A, Amnesiac, and Hail to the Thief. But their are individual songs that highlight the album. The best song on the album hands down is track 10-videotape. It has a haunting melody and it just sticks in my head. Other good songs include track 1-15 steps and track 2-Bodysnatchers. The best part about the album was they used more guitars and it wasn't has experimental. The worst part was that a lot of the middle songs sounded the same. Until next time. Down load the album for free, you won't get in trouble for it.
Horrible sports week
I woke up this moring and put it on the typical ESPN news (because Sportscenter is blah) and realized I could care less. There is a few things wrong with sports now to make me feel this way.
1. It always sucks when Ohio St loses. I didn't expect them to do this well at the beginning of the season and I had a feeling a couple of weeks ago that they would either lose the Wisconsin or Illinois game. But it still does not make me happy.
2. On the subject of Ohio St. This is the weekend that all Buckeye fans look forward to; the huge Ohio St-Michigan game. It is usually a time I pull out the chicken wings and enjoy the game. But not this year, instead I have to go to a wedding of someone I have meet a few times. Are these people not Americans? It is a crime against society.
3. The Bengals are terrible. They played beter when someone was in troble with the law. I could care less about the NFL unless the Bengals are doing well.
4. OJ on TV again...enough said.
5. NBA--blah, blah, blah, the strat game is funner than watching it.
6. College Basketball--usually I love college basketball but it is too early to start thinking about it until the Buckeye football season is over.
The only thing I look forward to is Gardner-Webb vs. Connecticut but I have to work. Thank goodness for strat baseball. I am currently replaying the 1901 season which has fun and interesting.
Best baseball name: Boileryard Clark or Noodles Hahn
1. It always sucks when Ohio St loses. I didn't expect them to do this well at the beginning of the season and I had a feeling a couple of weeks ago that they would either lose the Wisconsin or Illinois game. But it still does not make me happy.
2. On the subject of Ohio St. This is the weekend that all Buckeye fans look forward to; the huge Ohio St-Michigan game. It is usually a time I pull out the chicken wings and enjoy the game. But not this year, instead I have to go to a wedding of someone I have meet a few times. Are these people not Americans? It is a crime against society.
3. The Bengals are terrible. They played beter when someone was in troble with the law. I could care less about the NFL unless the Bengals are doing well.
4. OJ on TV again...enough said.
5. NBA--blah, blah, blah, the strat game is funner than watching it.
6. College Basketball--usually I love college basketball but it is too early to start thinking about it until the Buckeye football season is over.
The only thing I look forward to is Gardner-Webb vs. Connecticut but I have to work. Thank goodness for strat baseball. I am currently replaying the 1901 season which has fun and interesting.
Best baseball name: Boileryard Clark or Noodles Hahn
BBL--The Haiku
Buckeye Baseball League
Strat-o-matic at its best
Someone beat the Czar
(except the hated White Sox)
This could be the first Haiku dedicated to a Strat-o-Matic League.
Strat-o-matic at its best
Someone beat the Czar
(except the hated White Sox)
This could be the first Haiku dedicated to a Strat-o-Matic League.
C.C. Sabathia is my hero

Since Sabathia is on the legendary BBL Tigers team, he has quickly became one of my favorite players to own. He is the most "rounded" player to play for my team since Bob Hamelin. For winning the Cy Young Award, the BBL Tigers reward him for a gift certificate to Goldon Coral, Ryan's or any Las Vegas buffet of his choice. On a serious note, this is the first season owning him that he has stayed healthy. He usually has to make his yearly trip to the DL. BUt I watched a few games (not including the post season) and he looked really good this year. Now hopefully Brandon Webb can repeat his reward and the BBL Tigers will proudly own 2 Cy Young winners.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
And the Bulldogs are Running

Congrats to Gardner-Webb for whooping up on Kentucky. I told my wife this morning during my morning ESPN news ritual and she has been flying high all morning (she is a GWU alum). She pulled out all of her GWU shirts, sweatshirt and even her blanket. I have notihing against Kentucky except for I always seem to pick them for the Final Four and they always go horrible in the tournament. I found Kentucky fans more tolerable than Duke fans. But that is not what is important, this small podenk school put a serios beating on big-time Kentucky. I guess my wife will drag me to a few Gardner-Webb games is winter.
Monday, November 5, 2007
High School Musical
My wife loves Disney Channel. I have probably seen every episode of Hannah Montana and Zach & Cody. For the most part it is tolerable but there is one thing I cannot stand: High School Musical. I sat down and watched the first High School Musical with my wife. It was OK but it is definatly not my thing. Then Disney Channel played it non stop and had 50 different versions of it. It was more than one can bear. When I heard they were working on a second movie, I was like great I am going to have to listen through countless months of hype for this movie. So I watched the second movie, it was one of those times I wish I could have back. It was so bad that my wife couldn't stand it. Let me list the countless reason why this movie is horrible.
1. "I can't dance"--That was the title for one of the songs. Well maybe they should have changed it to "I can't act", "I can't write an original skit" or "I can't understand why so many people love this movie".
2. Too much high school spirit---Every other line said, "we can do it were Wildcats", "What team, Wildcats", "come on man, we're Wildcats." or "we stick together because we're Wildcats". I will never root for anyteam called the Wildcats ever again.
3. Zac Efron--He can't act but it was funny watching him doing a solo. It was probably the best Michale Jackson video impersonation ever.
4. Sharpay and her brother--These students are filthy rich. But why are they at a public high school.
5. The story--It was very cliche. Most popular guy gets job, brings friends with them (because they are Wildcats and they stick together), guy gets a huge ego, stops hanging around them, comes to his senses, lives happily ever after.
After watching the movie and seeing how bad it was made me thing they it was finally going to die. But no, it is more popular than ever and even more annoying. If a commerical for it comes on, I will flip the channel. You know it is bad when they come out with High School Musical action figures. Well our only hope is that it will die soon like every fad.
1. "I can't dance"--That was the title for one of the songs. Well maybe they should have changed it to "I can't act", "I can't write an original skit" or "I can't understand why so many people love this movie".
2. Too much high school spirit---Every other line said, "we can do it were Wildcats", "What team, Wildcats", "come on man, we're Wildcats." or "we stick together because we're Wildcats". I will never root for anyteam called the Wildcats ever again.
3. Zac Efron--He can't act but it was funny watching him doing a solo. It was probably the best Michale Jackson video impersonation ever.
4. Sharpay and her brother--These students are filthy rich. But why are they at a public high school.
5. The story--It was very cliche. Most popular guy gets job, brings friends with them (because they are Wildcats and they stick together), guy gets a huge ego, stops hanging around them, comes to his senses, lives happily ever after.
After watching the movie and seeing how bad it was made me thing they it was finally going to die. But no, it is more popular than ever and even more annoying. If a commerical for it comes on, I will flip the channel. You know it is bad when they come out with High School Musical action figures. Well our only hope is that it will die soon like every fad.
America's New Favorite Pasttime
This week starts the week for America's new favorite pasttime. It will be the beginning of mudslinging season. It happens every four years when "distinguised" partys contest to see who can dig up the most dirt and throw it at the other party. I am not looking forward to this presidential election. It is going to put the others to shame. I can also tell now that I am not going to like any of the canidates. I chose not to vote in the last presidential election. I was exercising my right not to vote. Some people consider it unpatriotic but if you don't like support either candidate why would I choose to vote for one (I don't buy into the choosing the lesser of 2 evils arguement either). Hilary Clinton will probably win and that is not a good thing. Most politicians are dillusional and out of touch with reality. So come election time next year...write in Eric Tobin for president!!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007

Why wait til the end of the year to reveal the Man of the Year Award. This is probably the easiest selection ever hands down. This man after countless years of whatever finally asked his girlfriend to marry him. So I present the Man of the Year Award to NATE REED. You my friend get a battle axe and triangle belt salute. Congrats to you and Sharon. I am happy for you both.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Most Overrated Stat
I am a huge baseball fan and part of being a huge fan is my sick fascination of baseball stats. In preparing for my Strat-o-Matic seasons, I look at stats forwards and backwards (as part of my No Stat Left Behind program). It is almost sickening sometimes that I can remember any players stat but I can't remember what my wife told me about 5 minutes ago. A stat that the ESPN "morons" use more and more is the worthless stat: Quality Starts. A "quality start" is basically a starting pitcher pitching 5 innings and allowing less than 3 runs. Now think about this, if a starting pitcher pitches just 5 innings and allows 3 earned runs, that means his ERA is a 5.40. A 5.40 ERA usually means that this particular pitcher is headed back to the minor leagues. To me, a quality start would occure if you did not have to use your bullpen. I am not that old but I can remember almost all starting pitchers pitching to at least the 7th inning. The 'quality start" statistic is worthless, get rid of it and starting pitchers start toughening up.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Charlie Weis

Another week, Another loss. I wonder who Notre Dame is going bring in to give a pep rally. Charlie Weis is supposely bringing back glory to Notre Dame. He has brought in big time recruits the last 2 years and what do they have to show for it, 1-7. It brings me to this conclusion, 1. Charlie Weis is an overrated coach. 2. He is also an overrated recruiter. Most big teams across the nation start Freshman and Sophomores that make a big difference in the team's play because they have a lot of players leaving for the NFL. I young team will struggle but they will also be competitive. Notre Dame looks horrible. Jimmy Clausen is making Ron Powlus look like a superstar. Every week we see Big Toad Weis up on the podium spouting his lip. Return to Glory, maybe when they hire a decent coach.
Joe Torre

More hooplah from New York. This time the accusation that Joe Torre felt insulted by the contract. Most normal people would accept a 1 year, $5 million contract to manage one of the most successful franchises in history, but not Joe Torre. All week I had to listen to the rambling oabout how great of a manager Joe Torre is and how his track record shows all of his accomplishments...blah, blah, blah. Being a baseball manager is probably one of the most overrrated jobs in sports. I feel that they are neccessary but they are given too much credit. I look at it this way, if Torre managed the Pittsburgh Pirates, would he give them more wins. Can he take a terrible team and make them respectable. Torre's success came managing the New York Yankees, the same Yankees that give him unlimited payroll, the same Yankees that gives him the players he wants or needs. I could manage the Yankees and come away with 4 World Series titles. There are some managers that I would say are good managers. Their teams usually overacheive, but can you honestly say that the Yankees ever played beyond their talent.
People Stop Your Whining

College Football is a funny thing.. It brings out the best in everybody. All of the "experts" analyze every single detail to the point where it is unbearable (at least the College Gameday crew is not nearly as bad as all of the other sports). There is always going to be the debate on who is number 1. Being number 1 in the middle of the season isn't a bad thing but it really isn't good either. These "experts" have a new number 1 team every week based on who looked the best or has more style points. Being an Ohio St fan, I have heard more criticism this year than in years past. So here is a message to all those complainers who think Ohio St should not be number 1. TRY WINNING ALL OF YOUR GAMES!!!
LSU--You are suppose to beat Kentucky. Sure Kentucky is ranked but at the end of the day it is still Kentucky.
W. Virginia--Come on, South Florida punked you.
Oklahoma--I can't even remember what cupcake beat you.
I will admit Ohio St has had an easy schedule this year but in this day in age in college football, you can't take any team lightly (just ask Michigan). A big part is the Buckeyes are winning the games they are suppose to win.
Friday, October 19, 2007
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